Twice in a row
Sam pooped on the potty. I sure hope that we are over this gotta poop in a diaper thing. We were at Aunt Lishy's on Saturday visiting the new boy, more about that later, and Sam said that he needed to poop and couple we put on a diaper. He knows the drill you only poop in the bathroom, so off he went into the bathroom. After about 15 minutes he was saying that his foot hurt when he tried to push. After questioning further we surmised that he had a charlie horse in his calf. It was so terrible he had to go so badly but he couldn't seem to do it. Michy went in with him and sat and read to him and talked to him. Finally she suggested that he sit and give a big push and voila he pooped. Everyone did a happy dance, we all had to look at it and he was so happy with himself. When we got home he picked one of the wrapped pooping presents that have been sitting on the back on the toilet for many months now.
Last night we went to dinner with Vicki and the girls, when we were done Michy dropped the boys and I off at home, she went to look for a new pair of shoes at DSW. I was supposed to be giving the boys a bath but Sam asked for a diaper, here we go again. I told him that he could do it and he begged. I questioned my parenting decision but decided to stick with it. After about 30 minutes, like a switch went off, he said, I'll try now mama. And he sat and I read and read. Mich came home and found Zack downstairs and said I thought he would have been out of the bath by now. I just said, it would be great if you could come up here. She came up and found me reading potty side. After I finished the book I was reading I asked if mommy could take over and that he call me the second he poops. They couldn't have made it through one book when I got called. He was SO excited and proud. He picked a present off the back on the potty and said that he'd go on the potty all the time now. I guess time will tell but I'm very hopeful. Better get more pooping presents.
Last night we went to dinner with Vicki and the girls, when we were done Michy dropped the boys and I off at home, she went to look for a new pair of shoes at DSW. I was supposed to be giving the boys a bath but Sam asked for a diaper, here we go again. I told him that he could do it and he begged. I questioned my parenting decision but decided to stick with it. After about 30 minutes, like a switch went off, he said, I'll try now mama. And he sat and I read and read. Mich came home and found Zack downstairs and said I thought he would have been out of the bath by now. I just said, it would be great if you could come up here. She came up and found me reading potty side. After I finished the book I was reading I asked if mommy could take over and that he call me the second he poops. They couldn't have made it through one book when I got called. He was SO excited and proud. He picked a present off the back on the potty and said that he'd go on the potty all the time now. I guess time will tell but I'm very hopeful. Better get more pooping presents.
At 5:48 PM,
Sonya said…
Way to go Sam!
At 8:59 PM,
Laura said…
WTG Sam!!!!! That's fabulous.
At 12:34 AM,
kiles1670 said…
That is fantastic, good on your for persisting :-)
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