Life with Sam n Zack

Hear about life at 193 with my two little loves and Michy too....

Monday, April 11, 2005

Small effort big change

The house looks amazing. Who would have thought that one new sofa could change the whole downstairs. Well, that was the start of it anyway. Both of the livingrooms were painted and the fixture from my grandparents house was hung. Lishy came with Greg, his mom and Danny to take out old furniture away. We should have done this a long time ago. Makes me want to invite people over for cocktails. Wanna come?

Sam will be three on Friday. How can that be? He was only born a little while ago and now we have this amazingly smart little boy living with us. Last night a commercial came on that had a computer generated baby talking, he sat up and said, "mommy babies DON'T talk!" Doesn't quite sound as cute as it was. I can't believe that he is so smart, I'm so impressed with his interpersonal skill. He is a great host to playmates that come to our house. He is usually polite. Another thing he said to me over the weekend was, mommy I love you, you are a great friend, you are a great sharer. I'm always surprised by what comes out of his mouth. We are both taking off on Friday to do something special with him for his birthday. We still haven't decided what we are going to do.

Zack climbed the rock wall on the swing set. Yes all by himself, I was standing there to make sure that he didn't fall. I can tell that he will be our monkey, he will cause us trips to the ER and bones will break. I should try to get a photo of this. He's so little to be climbing like this, or at least compared to Sam who sat like a lump and never climbed anywhere.


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