Life with Sam n Zack

Hear about life at 193 with my two little loves and Michy too....

Thursday, June 29, 2006


We have been reading so many books lately! I love it. It's one of the few things Isaac will sit still for. So, one of the current favorites is Dinosaur Stomp. In it there are many dinosaur names and a few made up words. When I read some of them Sam tells me that I am saying them wrong. So I tell him no and then I sound the word out for him, not that that helps. He insists that I am pronouncing the words incorrectly but what has really happened is that Sue has read it the wrong way so many times he memorized it that way. Then he fights with me about it.

I tell him that I am pronouncing it the correct way at that Sue is incorrect. Mich is so bad, she will say Sam, mommy can read, she is right.

She mispronounces many words, I wish I could remember some right now to share them with you.

What's a mom to do?


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