Life with Sam n Zack

Hear about life at 193 with my two little loves and Michy too....

Friday, January 20, 2006


Sam swam across the entire length of the pool the long way all by himself!

I am very proud and so is he.

Happy New Year

Every time I say this, I think life can't get any busier then this. Then it does. Well here we are in 2006, my dear Michy's business has picked up to a greater then whirlwind speed. She never mades it home before 8 p.m. anymore and last night she even stayed in the city. Good thing though since the trains had some sort of problem and none of them ran into the city this morning. Oh and I forgot to mention she is working on opening another factory in LA.

There is nothing that has happened here that is especially eventful. Sam is still his charming self with a twinge of brat mixed in. Isaac is still going and going and going. He is picking up new words every day. The newest being stay. As in I'm walking out the door for work as if the hysterical crying Mommy isn't bad enough he throws in stay to make it even worse.

That brings me to my latest thoughts, I should be a stay at home mom. It's the right job for me. Why pay Sue when I am a better candidate? But I keep thinking, will I actually make a good stay at home mom? Can I deal with it? When should I quit? Should I quit now? Should I hang on till after my dreaded conference to get the bonus? So many questions.

So Happy New Year everyone! Seems like there will be change for us in 2006.

Change is good.