Life with Sam n Zack

Hear about life at 193 with my two little loves and Michy too....

Friday, July 29, 2005

Spoiled Milk and the Cape

I know don't cry over it but also don't feed it to your kid! We went in the city Wednesday night to meet friends for dinner. After our third night in a row with VERY well behaved boys in restaurants we stopped in a deli to pick up a small container of milk for Zack's bottle. We just poured it into the bottle and gave it to him. He fell asleep on the ride home. When we got home I picked up the bottle and it looked like there were bits on the sides of the bottle. Went inside and opened the bottle and it was rancid. Smelled awful and was totally chunky. He must have known that something was wrong with it becuase he barely drank two ounces. He had diarreha the next morning and vomited about the amount of a big spit up. I called the doctor and she said that the worst was probably over.

So that silly cape that I made from my old shirt for dress as your favorite character to camp has become a favorite. He has worn it every night to dinner and puts in on all the time. Maybe I should make a more proper cape? The man from the mobile blood drive that was standing outside of Trader Joe's told me that I should cut an opening and use velcro to close it. He was worried about Sam choking.

I'm so glad it's Friday, for a weekend with no plans it's starting to shape up to be a busy weekend. We are thinkning about going to the beach one day and the Bronx Zoo the other. I think that we are not having dinner at my parents house tonight. Michy birthday is Tuesday, I have to (shhhhh don't tell her) get her ring, it's ready. I was thinking of only working half a day Monday and going to the picture people to get a photo of the boys done.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Today Sam was asked to wear a costume of his favorite character to camp. Sam doesn't have a costume, does he even have favorite character? Thomas, is that a character? I went to the children's consignment shop up the road to see if they had any costumes. Only one that looked like it may fit him, a power ranger. He doesn't know who they are. It has long pants and long sleeves, the forcast for today is 100 degrees. Even at 85 that costume would be hot. A cute ralph lauren shirt caught my eye, it was a size 5T. I can't hang on to that for 2 years even though it's in perfect shape and only cost $3. Maybe I should go back. I decided that I ought to flip through the 3T stuff, maybe there will be something wonderful there. What I found was a batman tee shirt for 50 cents. That's what Sam wore to camp today. We took one of my old black tee shirts and cut the front and sleeves off. That was the cape. He looked cute. He doesn't know who batman is. The report I got from Sue who heard from his teacher was that they had a play, where they were each their characters. Sam said grrrr. Must have been a funny play, at drop off this morning there was Etan, in a spiderman tee shirt and 5 girls in princess costumes. Tomorrow is pajama day.

Monday, July 25, 2005

My late 30's and sand

Today I am officially in my late 30th, yup I'm 37. Age never bothers me even though I am starting to do that thing where you figure out how old you'll be when your kid will reach some milestone. Oy. Michy stressed about what to get me but she doesn't realize that I really don't need a gift. Not to say that my birthday isn't important to me, it is, I love my birthday. I want to have a happy day, with people being nice but gifts aren't the important part. The boys have a gift for me which I will receive later. We are going out to dinner tonight to Thai Thai with mom, dad, Rob and Kate. Michy told me that she gave the best birthday gift idea to my parents cause her not to have any other ideas. I can't wait to see what I get.

We had a great weekend! Went to the beach on Saturday, decided to try Seven Presidents this time, it was wonderful there (thanks Leslie)! The beach was clean, they had great a great bathhouse and food that you would actually want to eat. The majority of the food surprisingly wasn't fried and you could even get a salad, oh, and it wasn't really expensive either. Both of the boys had an amazing time. Sam got braver, he went into the ocean past his waist and fearless Isaac sat and let the surf envelope him. They played in the sand, digging and building. Isaac at one point ate a handful of sand. Michy and I talked about just how much sand is bad for a baby. I think we decided that he would stop, who likes to eat sand? He did chew on several of the shovels and pail handles that were covered with it. He didn't seem to care. When we got home he and I took a shower together prior to our meeting my parents for theatre in the park. So Sunday he wakes up with a poop, yes it was mostly sand. It was so much sand I had to give him a bath. Very strange. He didn't seem to mind.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Swimming and Surgery

Sam is taking swimming lessons. We were worried that he wouldn't even want to go in the water since just a few weeks ago he wouldn't let us carry him into the deep end of the pool at Disney. But here we are week 4 of swimming lessons and he's doing an unassisted doggy paddle. Hooray!

Isaac has to have a tear duct opened. He will only be under for a total of three minutes. They basically stick a long pin into his face near the corner of his eye and open a drain that is clogged. After having gone through hernia surgery with Sam I know that this won't be so bad but still we worry. They rate of success decreases so drastically with time that we have to do it soon. So on my mom's 60th birthday, August 12th, it's set.

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Pony Cart ride on the Boardwalk Posted by Picasa

Recent news

I can't believe that it's been months since I've updated here. How will I ever amass adoring fans? Actually, I'm not really looking for any. I can't believe how busy we are. We never stop. There are parties and plans all the time. We are really having a great time but it leaves little time for reflection.

Disney! We had a great trip. The boys were great on the flight. Once we arrived at about 7:30 p.m., Sam kept asking to go home so we explained that we were going to stay in a hotel. Finally we explained that this was our new home for the next week and everything was fine. He actually woke up the next day telling us that he loved his new house. He went on and on, I love the new bed, I love the new chair, I love the new bathroom, you get the idea. It's funny now that we've been home for a while he will ask if we can go back to our new house. Too cute! Our days went mostly like this, wake up and somehow Michy and I woke up earlier then either of the boys every day except there were two days that Zack and I left the room to let Sam and Michy sleep. We get our acts together, sunscreen, diaper bag, water bottles etc and head off to the Disney buses. We go to a park, ride some rides, see some stuff and by lunch time we'd either eat in the park and leave or leave and eat at the hotel. OH, the hotel, we stayed at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. It's amazing, they have these "savannahs" where animals roam around outside your balcony. At any given time there were zebras, giraffes, wildebeest and others, it was so nice to wake up and drink coffee while watching the animals eat their breakfast. Both of the boys really loved that too. So, we'd go back to nap and swim. Zack was surprisingly amazing with sleeping while away, he didn't mind the pack n play in the room and could nap for 2 hours in the stroller if we were on the go. Sam loved the pool and loved making new friends, he did so any time we were standing still, in the lines, in the bathroom, at the pool, in the elevator. He is so social, says hello to everyone. During the afternoons at the hotel Sam would work on his bead necklace, they had 5 activities that each earned one bead once you had all 5 you got a special totem bead. They activities were all nature/animal/African related. One was flamingo feeding, music of the Savannah, African games, etc. In the evening we would go back to one of the parks for more fun. We went to several character meals which the boys loved. Sam especially loved our dinner with the princesses. The photos are priceless, you can see that he is smitten with each of them. It's a good thing that they brought he some food quickly that he ate because once the Princesses showed up he couldn't do anything but stare. It wasn't exactly a relaxing vacation but we all had a great time. Our last day there Zack woke up with a fever and was a bit miserable. We got through the day, got to the airport to find our plane had just been delay, so that sucked. Turned out the poor guy had an ear infection.

Isaac. After hearing so many people call him Zachary we decided that we will try to call him Isaac. We both love the name. We had come up with Zack as a nickname because we really didn't want Ike. We have been trying to call him this. He hardly responds, since only my dad calls him that without fail. Maybe but kindergarten? Speaking of Isaac, he is ALL over the place. That boy never stops moving. He runs. He climbs. He will be our ER child. He has no fear. Shows no caution. The good thing is that no matter how bad it looks he never seems to mind the fall, just gets right back up and keeps moving. The only thing that stops him is food and man can that boy eat. He eats much more then Sam. We will get them something to share, mac and cheese for example, we end having to give him part of our food while Sam has left overs. We keep telling Sam he better watch out that soon his brother will be bigger them he is. Isaac (Zack, I can't stop!) had two teeth on the bottom, that's it. At this point Sam had about 10 teeth. There are two teeth on the top that seem like they are trying to make their way down, maybe they have even broken the gums. For now he still has that wonderful gummy smile!

Sam is going to camp this summer. He goes 4 days a week from 9 to 12:30. He is so well adjusted that he doesn't look back once I open the door to his room. Just walks away, his teacher says to him Sam say goodbye to mommy. Then he give a slight turn of his head and says bye. On the day he doesn't have camp he takes swimming lessons at the Y. To our surprise loves it. Yesterday was the third session and he put his face in the water and blew bubbles. This was the kids that clutched to us for dear life in the pool in June. He is verbally amazing, he knows so many words and it's truly conversational with nearly anyone who will talk to him.

I just finished a big event for work that had been keeping me very busy. I will have a slight lull before the September show gets into high gear. I'm hoping to play hookey from work a bit to do some fun stuff with the boys. I want to get to the Bronx zoo. I am hoping to plan a weekend trip to Landcaster PA to go to Dutch Wonderland and Hershey Park. I can tell that we won't be slowing down but the horizon is looking very fun.