Life with Sam n Zack

Hear about life at 193 with my two little loves and Michy too....

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Pinch hitting finds Cavities

Yesterday the dentist called home to confirm Mich's 7:00 a.m. appointment. Sue called me to tell me and I in turn called Michy. (I know it's wierd but that's a whole other issue) So, Mich calls me about 2 hours later to say, they won't let me cancel without paying a $75 cancellation fee. So I say, well what if I went for your appointment. I have been lax in going and it's been at least a year so I was due. Now I really don't know why I didn't just say go to your appointment. She loves this dentist so I figured I'd go. Well, they found 3 tiny cavities! They have cool equipment that uses sonic to detect where a cavity is starting. So next Friday I'm going to have them all filled.

I can't believe......

This is my hundredth post. It's good to look back at those 99 posts. It's been more then a year since I've been writing here and I really enjoy it. It's great to put an idea out there even if no one is ever reading or commenting. Great to get it out of my head or off my chest.


We have been reading so many books lately! I love it. It's one of the few things Isaac will sit still for. So, one of the current favorites is Dinosaur Stomp. In it there are many dinosaur names and a few made up words. When I read some of them Sam tells me that I am saying them wrong. So I tell him no and then I sound the word out for him, not that that helps. He insists that I am pronouncing the words incorrectly but what has really happened is that Sue has read it the wrong way so many times he memorized it that way. Then he fights with me about it.

I tell him that I am pronouncing it the correct way at that Sue is incorrect. Mich is so bad, she will say Sam, mommy can read, she is right.

She mispronounces many words, I wish I could remember some right now to share them with you.

What's a mom to do?

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Sam the soccer star!

Cute boy in the pool!!
Bubbles, yum!

SO handsome!!!

Joy and tears

Sam loves camp! He ran to the bus without turing back.

Isaac cried the entire time until they got onto the playground for the last 15 minutes.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sam's Camp Begins!

Sunday we went to the Meet the counselor day at camp. We got to the room a few minutes late because the parking situation was awful. The kids were sitting at a long table doing arts and crafts and Sam took a seat and started playing. He was across and down a couple seats from on of his favorite classmates from school, Sarah. Sam tried to talk to her but it was very noisy. Finally the kids next to her got up to do something else and he ran over to sit next to her. There was never anything formal so we never even got to know the names of his counselors. I gave the photos we were asked to bring to his head counselor and introduced myself. There are 4 counselors in total for the 16 kids in the group. The session ended abruptly and we headed to get more t-shirts, which it turns out they ran out of the size we need and had to order. We also got to write notes that would be given to Sam on his first day. Then we went out to the parking lot and got ice cream from the truck they had arranged to be there. Sam was excited and we were too, with a bit of nervousness too.

The next day, yesterday, was the first day. We were told that they camp bus would arrive at 8:20 and that we should be ready 15 minutes early. So we got Sam up at about 7:20 and at about 7:55 he was at the kitchen table being presented with a waffle. He said it was hot and then there was a knock at the door. The bus was nearly 25 minutes early! The bus counselor said they were sorry and they were working out the route and by Friday we should know when they would arrive. I shoved a breakfast bar into his hand. He took the girl's hand and off he got onto the bus happy as can be. Mich and I nearly died as we watched him drive off in that bus.

We both came home early to see the bus arrive. The bus leaves camp at 2:00 and he is the first stop getting home. So at about 2:05 we saw the bus drive past the house. They turned around and came back around, he came off the bus with a giant smile. He said that he had a great day and that was basically it. Nice huh, it started already. He doesn't tell us anything. So we ask him many questions and learn that he didn't swim because it was raining, that they had animal crackers as a snack, that the piece of pizza they gave him for lunch was really big and he ate the whole thing. I then asked him what his favorite part of camp was and he said riding on the bus with Sarah. So then I asked him for his first, second and third favorite things were. Number one was riding home on the bus with Sarah, number two was playing with Sarah at camp and number three was riding to camp on the bus. Last night after bath and books he said, "we were in the library today and they were asking us questions. They had a big gold metal. I asked in my nice big boy voice, may I please hold the gold metal, and they let me. I was so happy to get to hold it, it was big and really made of gold!" Who knows what that means, it is awful sweet though.

This morning he was very excited to go and we got breakfast in before the bus arrived at 8:15. I got a report from him on the phone when he got home. He said they went swimming, that his counselors go in the pool with them. He said he had a great time and they he wasn't tired. That was it. I spoke to Sue at 2:30 and he was asleep.

I dropped Isaac off at camp this morning. He didn't want to go. He said no camp, no back pack. Poor guy. Sue picked him up and they said that he was pretty unhappy for most of the time until they went outside and then he was like a new boy. Sue said he was very happy to see her. I decided that I'm not going to take him anymore. Maybe if I can swing picking him up a couple times during the summer.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Summer fun

Yesterday we had open house at Isaac's Ready Set Go camp. He had a great time. There are 6 kids in the group that he already knows. There are 10 children in the group and 3 teachers. Basically he played for a while, did a group art project and had a snack.

Last night Mich and I went to parent orientation for his big boy go on the bus camp. It was nice to see that they are organized, caring and seem to have a good program. Some of the parents asked the stupidest questions. You know the kind that you want to bop them over the head about. We got to see the list of other kids that are in his group and there are 3 that he knows.

Isaac started camp and we all handed out kids over to the teachers at the doorway like they asked. Isaac was one of the many kids that was crying. Most of the moms hung around in the hall peaking in the window to see if their kid had stopped. After about 20 minutes everyone had stopped and I went with four other moms to Starbucks. That was fun! We could only stay there for a few minutes because we had to be back at 10:30 to get the kids. We got back a little early and our parking spot was perfect for spying on the kids. They were on the playground having a great time. Whew!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Busy weekend Cometh

I actually love a weekend that is this full. Tonight we have plans with Amy and Nadav. I am really looking forward to seeing them. I hope they don't mind that I was planning on having them come to our house for dinner.

Tomorrow we have two birthday parties, one at 11 o'clock and the other at 1 o'clock. I think it should be great fun since the first one is Eric's second birthday party. I'd have to say that Eric is Isaac's first real friend. They truly love to be together, It's so amazing to watch them. It doesn't hurt that Eric's big brother is Jacob one of Sam's best friends and that we love their parents. The second party is Alyssa's fourth birthday party. How could that be bad! We all love them too. I guess the hardest part will be leaving the first party to be in time for the second one. I'm sure that we will be at Vic and Joe's into the evening. My only concern is Isaac's nap. I will try to go with the flow and see what happens. I guess I can drive him around a bit and then put him down on a blanket in the yard somewhere.

On Sunday we are having Father's day/Mom and Dad's anniversary celebration at our house. Rob is making pulled pork and a grilled veggie pasta salad. I have committed to making a green salad and have to figure out the rest. Mich won't eat pork so there has to be another entree, I guess I feel like I have to step up and not just throw chicken on the grill. I better get onto or something.

Monday, June 12, 2006

But I can't find my vest and take off peas

Sam was asking me when my father's day was. I think he doesn't get that Father's day is like Mother's day in that we are celebrating a day in which we celebrate all fathers. Then I started thinking about the fact that he doesn't really have many father's in his like. Basically in his immediate circle there is only one, my dad. But this isn't even why I am mentioning this, I then went on to say that this year Grandma and Grandpa's anniversary falls on Father's day so we will be celebrating both. I asked if he remembered how long they were married because he and Grandpa had a lengthy talk about it once. He couldn't remember so I told him and then he said but I can't find my vest. He was referring to the vest that he wore to my brother's and Mich's sister's weddings. That was such a sweet cute thing for him to say! Maybe you had to be there but we loved it.

Every time we are outside and even a lot inside Isaac had been asking, take off peas, said as he is tugging up on his shirt or down on his diaper/shorts. The boy loves to be naked! He wants to be without clothes all the time. It's a bit scary when he is climbing up on the swing set especially coming down the slide. He goes on his tricycle without his clothes but yesterday he went behind the bushes and pooped in the yard! How gross is that!!!!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Two long weeks.....

We still have two weeks until camp begins and besides soccer for one hour next week, Sam has no plans. I'm not sure who that is worse for him or me. This morning he was crying asking me to take him to work with me. When I told him that I had a luncheon to go to and that I could bring him today, he had a total meltdown. At least it's not raining today, we have just come off of three full days of rain and he barely left the house. Yesterday he called me at 4 in the afternoon and said, mommy when you get home from work today will you please bring me somewhere. I called Julie and asked if I could please borrow Jacob but they were already planning on going to Chuck E Cheese's so I met them with the boys at her suggestion. Thank goodness I did, the boys burned off a lot of steam! At least next week the weather is supposed to be nice. I better make some calls next week to get my boys a playdate or two.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Last day of School

Today was Sam's last day of school. I can't believe that he is finished with another year, next year will be in pre-k. I don't know how it happened so fast. We got mini rose bushes for his two teachers and he drew his one eyed monsters in their cards and actually wrote his name. We gave Miss Audrey a Amex gift card and for Miss Meryl we made a donation to the Mandy Reichman feeding program. This is a program that she started in memory of her daughter who dreamed about ended hunger.

All the kids were so cute, giving their gifts and talking about what they will be doing this summer. The class gifts were beautiful scrap books that each child's hand print was on one side with a page that we each made at home on the other. I was glad to be able to look though the books after they were presented. What wonderful keepsakes.

The camp bus came on Sunday, it was the trial run day. We were told to expect the bus sometime after 1:15 so finally at around 2:45 the bus pulls up. We all run outside to meet the driver and the bus counselors. They give Sam his camp backpack and let him look around inside the bus. After surveying the bus, he says to the counselors, my car has a tv and they said well we play really fun games. Thankfully he was satisfied.

We got back into the house and took out the camp shirt which Sam had to put on and wear for the rest of the day. He is so excited. And so are we with the added nervousness of sending your kid off with strangers on a bus at the expected pick up time of 8:20 a.m. for 9 a.m. camp that 2 miles away. Yes, he'll be looping around the neighborhood apparently playing games.